Monday, May 23, 2011

Our Source: Reclaimed Barnwood in Cary, IL

Source Material from Former Barn in Cary, IL

Benefits of Reclaimed Wood

Definition: Wood that has been salvaged from non-use, destruction or decay for the purpose of another useful life. Rather than being incinerated, stuffed in landfills or left to decay, this wood is reclaimed and recycled into a number of products, including our reclaimed wood furniture.

-Sourced locally, meaning that minimal fuels were needed to transport from farm to workshop
-Preserves existing forests and habitats
-Avoids filing up landfills with material that’s removed from the demolition of old structures
-Energy required to harvest and process new wood is conserved

-Old Growth wood has physical characteristics like a tight, dense grain and clarity that younger ‘new growth’ doesn’t
-Strong and durable; has already stood the test of time

-History that brings an added dimension to a home
-Colors, grains and patinas not easily found in new growth
-Unique characteristics include nail holes, worm holes, knots, variations in the wood grain

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